What is the cause behind the state of our generation?
Question from the Internet:
“What are the causes and effects of societal/moral/strand issues in this modern generation? What are plausible solutions in a persuasive manner?”
The root cause of the state of our generation — and all previous problems in human history — is our ever-growing and ever-intensifying human ego which has reached its maximum potential in our times.
There is nothing behind anything that has ever happened to humanity or that is happening today, but our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic, and exploitative ego.
It is this insatiable and cancer-like ego that drives us towards excessive overconsumption, to a ruthless and exclusive competition where we all survive and succeed at the expense of others and nature. And as our level and intensity of the ego, our technological capability, our population, and our insatiable hunger for more has grown, we have reached a threshold at which we are ready to totally self-destruct and wipe ourselves off the planet and from natural evolution.
At the same time, our egoistic development has exhausted itself. There is nothing else natural we could achieve or need. Thus our development has also degenerated and we are searching in all kinds of unnatural directions finding dead-ends in all directions.
Our youth has absolutely no aspirations and they simply became instinctive zombies with no actual interest or humane goals, blindly stumbling from drugs to soccer or virtual games while being completely unable to build human relationships or to care for themselves.
We are ready to hand over most of our activities to robots and AI while not being interested in what else we should do, and what the actual purpose of our life could be.
The only solution is to recognize our inherent nature and its destructive pattern. We also need to understand why we were born this way, and what nature’s evolution “wanted” by creating us with such a cancer-like internal software while also giving us a unique intellect that is capable of critical self-assessment and initiating self-development and self-upgrade.
Without getting to know ourselves and the system we exist in and the overall purpose of Human life we will never become Human beings and we will not survive.
Finally, this is not something we can persuade people about. people cannot and will not change as a result of coercion or misleading propaganda. people change only as a result of positive motivation, following positive examples, and when they “buy into” changes, fully understanding that it is in their best interest.
And that is possible only as a result of a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method that gives us not only understanding but real, visceral feelings and emotional impressions.