What is the best solution for conflicts?
Question from the Internet:
“What are the practice, challenges, and prospects of post-conflict societies?”
In a good case scenario, in a post-conflict society, there is the willingness and a certain level of “softness” to honestly and humbly examine the root cause of the conflict.
Unfortunately most of the time, we blindly and instinctively try to identify a few “rotten apples”, the “evil ones” in society — people, parties, groups and so on — and we decide that by getting rid of them we can heal the society and avoid further conflicts and disasters.
But this is a lie that causes the helplessly recurring vicious cycles.
The root cause of every conflict in any society is the inherent nature that drives all of us. knowingly or unknowingly we are all 100% self-centred, self-serving, self-justifying and individualistic and we all survive and succeed at the expense of others while trying to accumulate all the possible profit and resources only for ourselves.
If we believe that we are able to truly care about others, give to others and serve others that means that we simply haven’t recognized our true nature and the desires and intentions truly driving us yet.
True solutions will come only when we have already humbly and honestly recognized the root cause of all conflicts within us and we also developed a need and the willingness to purposefully and consciously change and further develop ourselves — instead of trying to change, correct or destroy others.