What is preventing success in today’s society?
Question from the Internet:
“What do you think is detrimental to a person’s success in society today?”
Disconnection and broken connections to others are detrimental to our success in society today.
After all, we live in a fully integrated and interdependent society, where all our problems are collective and solving them and preventing new problems requires collective and mutual actions.
And today, our interconnections and our interdependence are global. Each and every individual and each and every nation are inevitably intertwined. Our usual individualistic actions and subjective aspirations have become outright harmful and destructive. We could observe this through the pandemic; we can see it through the war in Ukraine and all the issues affecting humanity today.
Today we are sailing in a single global boat, which is sinking right now. If we want to repair this boat before it sinks and want to figure out in which direction we need to continue in the future, we have to establish unprecedented, positive and constructive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing connections and cooperation that encompass the whole planet.
This is possible with the help of a unique, purposeful and practical educational method that is already available and open for all of us!