What is our “Human” right?
Question from the Internet:
“Where do human rights derive from, and are humans intrinsically valuable?”
What we call “human rights” today is the product of our inherently egocentric, selfish, and individualistic nature.
It is our ego that dictates that we have rights, that we are personally important and we deserve everything we want or imagine based on our totally egocentric and subjective calculations and perception of reality.
On the other hand, we are all intrinsically and infinitely valuable. We are all crucially important and irreplaceable parts of a vast whole that encompasses not only humanity but the whole known (and so far unknown) reality.
We are all unique, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing pieces in the most important, conscious, and partnering element in Nature. The Natural system is “headless,” totally blind and instinctive without the special, conscious, and all-attaining collective Human consciousness and intellect we have to form.
And in this collective Human consciousness and intellect, we all have our contributory part nobody else can replace.
Thus while we do not have the individual rights we mistakingly imagine and fight for, we have the absolute collective right to become truly Human beings and perform our extremely high and special evolutionary role in Nature’s system.