What is our collective, shared identity and value system?
Question from the Internet:
“Without a collective identity and shared sense of values, how can we hope to build a strong society that can withstand extremism?”
It is true, that without a unique, unprecedented collective identity, a shared sense of values we cannot build a positive, sustainable, strong, global human society.
On the other hand, we also know that we cannot force on people a shared identity and we cannot achieve a shared identity by destroying the original individual, national identities, uniqueness, as people would literally fight to death in order to preserve those.
Also, what kind of shared values can we find where we are all so uniquely different and we all view reality from an inherently egocentric, subjective point of view?
We can do this only, when we have something extremely strong, something common, mutually beneficial for all of us, that can neutralize, complement everything that separates us without oppressing, erasing anything. We need to find something that can “cover” all the differences, rejection, ruthless competition, and wars between individuals and nations creating a never-before-seen, fragile, dynamic balance that creates a new “flow of life” between us.
At first, this extremely strong, mutual “value”, necessity that can elevate us above our differences, disputes is our collective human survival. With the help of a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method — that is based on Nature’s laws that sustain the homeostasis life depends on — we can come to understand and literally, viscerally feel our total interdependence.
We can come to understand, and tangibly feel that without each other, without positive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing cooperation we can’t survive since we are all single cells in Humanity’s single, living body.
When we secured our collective survival through such unprecedented cooperation, sensing the success, the problem-solving ability coming from a new “collective consciousness”, we will start feeling, understanding something beyond simply securing our physical survival.
We will start to feel a completely;y new, qualitatively much higher, collective sense of “truly Human” life that is the result of our interconnections, communication — in fact, we start sensing Nature’s single life-giving, life-sustaining force streaming through our connections.
It is this new sense of life — above and beyond the inherently egocentric, subjective limitations of time and space — that will become the shared identity, a shared value that can keep us together above and against our individual uniqueness, separate, contradictory identities that fueled all the wars and destruction before.