What is Mutual Guarantee?
Mutual guarantee is a “supernatural” state for the inherently selfish, egocentric, and individualistic human beings.
It is a state where each individual agrees and commits to selflessly, altruistically, and unconditionally serve others and the whole system, where each individual senses their existence only through the pure and absolute love and bestowal they provide for each other.
In such a way, they completely forget about their own existence, since their basic, comfortable, and natural necessities are most optimally fulfilled by others.
As a result of this mutually loving and fulfilling state, the whole society that takes part in mutual guarantee will feel itself existing in a “mother’s womb” kind of state, where all needs and desires are immediately and most optimally fulfilled.
Each individual becomes like an embryo in this consciously and proactively created and maintained “human incubator,” while each is also absolutely responsible for providing the “nurturing walls” of this womb for others.
Moreover, this mutual guarantee and the mutually complementing cooperation and coexistence also develop a collective Human consciousness and a truly objective and “multi-angled” composite perception of reality each individual can access.
Through this collective consciousness and composite perception, they start sensing reality and Human existence above and being any inherently egocentric and subjective limitations like time, space, physical life, or death.
This mutual guarantee receives full support and partnership from nature’s unique developmental and life-creating forces since the mutual guarantee is the most fundamental law of nature, and apart from human beings, each and every element in nature exists through mutual guarantee and unconditional service of the whole system.
Mutual guarantee is the basis of the general balance, and homeostasis that is the single most important condition for life.
Human beings are obligated by nature to learn and implement mutual guarantees and become similar to nature — but in contrast to other parts of nature, we have to build and sustain mutual guarantees above and against our inherent nature. This is humanity’s evolutionary advantage over other animals.
Humanity’s mutual guarantee will become fully conscious, and as a result, we will become nature’s only conscious element and equal partners.
So far, in human history, there was only one instance where a group of human beings managed to build and sustain a nature-like mutual guarantee: it was the original Jewish Nation that was established on this mutual guarantee, lacking any other cohesion or foundation.
And while Jews managed to keep their mutual guarantee — more or less and in and off for a while — even Jews lost such “supernatural” — above inherent human nature — connections and relationships over 2000 years ago, falling down to the level of other nations, scattering all over the world.
Since the actual role and purpose of the Jewish people — based on the unique qualities and sensitivity of the so-called forefathers — is to become a positive example of how to build mutual guarantee above and desire the inherently selfish, egoistic, and hateful human nature — without suppressing or erasing the ego and any of our qualities — as long as Israel delays fulfilling is the purpose, the Jewish Nation faces constant rejection, antisemitism, hatred, and existential threat.
This has nothing to do with people, politics, or religion.
This is so according to nature’s laws and evolution’s deterministic plan.
This is why there is no way humanity or Jews can ignore this need to gradually develop towards mutual guarantee with the leadership of the Jews.
And the more this development is delayed, the more suffering Jews and everybody else will have to endure until suffering will “soften” and convince people about the need to build nature-like mutual integration in global human society through the positive example Israel has to provide.