What is life?!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readDec 9, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Is living important? What is the importance of life?”

“Living, life” is a chance, an opportunity to define ourselves, to find out and understand what and for what reason gave us this chance, to recognize the purpose why we were given this window of opportunity to “peek into”, observe this “life”.

“Life” is a desire, we were given an insatiable desire to get to know who we are, how life unfolds, how to create and sustain life.

But for the most part, we ignore, waste this chance, and scatter the desire we received on ignoble, obsolete, childish, and mostly destructive things. We were given the opportunity to build a world and we build toys, fake systems, model worlds and societies instead. We were given the chance to enter a ‘quantum dimension” above time and space, instead, we worry about our gadgets and day-to-day survival in a fake world that is worst than the “Matrix”.

We were given the chance to become “truly Human”, but instead, we want to stay like animals, blindly following our instincts why trying to prove who the “alpha male/alpha female” is, rejoicing when we can take toys away from each other, making others miserable, cry.

If, finally, the desire, curiosity to get to know the true, Human purpose in life awakens in us, we must not ignore it, push it away with the usual artificial, imaginary activities, the temptation of this fake world — which is fast collapsing on us anyway — but we need to grab this opportunity to find out what “life” truly is about and how we could get there.

To become Human being means becoming similar to the overall, Natural system that surrounds us, that gave us life, that nurtures us, dressing into the Natural qualities of unconditional love and service of others in order to learn, understand, feel what it means to give and sustain life, like a mother pushing out and holding a baby.

But this “life” will unfold on a cosmic scale, within completely different, mutually supportive, and mutually complementing Human interconnections, cooperation, facilitating an unprecedented, never before felt circulation, communication as cells of the same living organism.

Then we will understand and cherish life as never before.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.