What is Humanity’s purpose in Nature’s system?
Question from the Internet:
“What is the greatest enemy of mankind from his origin and source of power?”
Mankind does not have natural enemies. We are at the top of the food chain and we are supposed to become the peak of Natural evolution without peers.
We have the technological and intellectual abilities to take everything under our control and to modify, and shape everything “to our image”.
How this incredible ability, opportunity and responsibility unfolds depends only on us.
At this stage, we are like unprepared and uneducated children who were given this ability, chance and responsibility and do not know what to do with them. We are like children who stormed a toy store, then a computer store a weapon store with unlimited tools and destructive means and we start taking and using them recklessly, selfishly, without any conscious thinking, without any concern about the future implications of what we are doing.
We have become so self-obsessed and reckless that now we are getting extremely close to exterminating ourselves and irreversibly damaging the planet we exist on.
Fortunately, we still have a uniqueness we haven’t used so far, which we do not find in stores but we need to find in ourselves. We have a unique Human intellect that is capable of critical self-assessment, observing ourselves and our evolutionary conditions ‘from the side” objectively. And as a result of such objective and critical assessment we also have the willing and conscious ability to complement our missing education about ourselves, about the Natural system we exist in and are integral parts of and about how we need to change, further develop ourselves in order to adapt to the system we exist in.
We are the only ”creatures” in Nature that can consciously learn about their predetermined role and purpose in the system and proactively develop and adapt themselves to it.
It is time we started thinking and acting like “truly Human” beings, that are reaching similarities with nature’s system on their own accords and by that becoming the system’s only fully conscious, integrated and at the same time independent observers and equal partners.
Then we will be using all our abilities and chances in order to actively contribute to keeping and safeguarding the general balance and homeostasis of the whole system, and by that creating and sustaining life like Nature.