What is behind Humanity’s endless cycles of wars?!
Question from the Internet:
“Why does mankind want to go to war again and again, even though the negative effects are well known?”
At this stage we are helpless, we still can’t go and act against our inherently “warmongering”, self-justifying, self-serving, ruthlessly competitive nature.
Human history with its recurring vicious cycles and our own generation blindly stumbling from crisis to crisis towards self-destruction is a showcase of what happens when we are instinctively following our original “inner software”.
We have no chance of escaping our seemingly inevitable, sad, violent, and tormented fate unless we recognize and accept that our own, inherent nature is harmful and we willingly start changing, upgrading ourselves according to a unique, purposeful and practical method.
This method — based on Nature’s integral template and the laws of Nature sustaining the homeostasis life depends on — can help us build positive, sustainable, global, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing cooperation above and against our instincts, without suppressing, erasing anything.
Then we will be able to function, create and sustain life like Nature with its extremely diverse, but mutually integrated system. Our human advantage is that we have to achieve this Nature-like mutual integration consciously, proactively, elevating ourselves to our predetermined, very high evolutionary role, purpose of becoming Nature’s only conscious observers.