What if Hitler won?!
Question from the Internet:
“Is it true that the world would be a better place if Hitler won WW2? Apparently he cared a lot about animals and for the environment so would the world be better for everyone except humans if Hitler won?”
While we believe that history is shaped by great heroes, villains, pioneers, and explorers, it is actually a relentlessly progressing, deterministic developmental wave throwing up certain people who are at the right place at the right time.
If Hitler was not there it would have been someone else doing the same or very similar things as such events, vicious cycles had to appear and go by. If Hitler won the war, soon after the Nazi empire would have exploded from within as all other oppressive, self-serving civilizations, empires before and after.
Until now history has been a blind, instinctive affair, each and every Human being blindly executing our inherently egocentric, individualistic, and exploitative software, all of us being unconscious puppets kin the hands of evolution.
Our own self-serving, narcissistic civilization — with its own “heroes/villains” is sleepwalking towards its own self-destruction — by repeating the events of the 1930s, 1940s almost like a carbon copy.
If we want to snap out of the recurring vicious cycles, sparing a probably civilization-ending global meltdown, we would need to understand and purposefully, methodically change our inherent program.
Our generation is the first in Human history which received into its hand this truly Human free choice: the option to change ourselves or continue self-destructing blindly.
Are we going to use it, or wait for our own “Hitler” or “Hitlers” to destroy everything?!