What happens when we stop contributing to society?
Question from the Internet:
“Philosophically speaking, what happens when one stops contributing to society?”
Both philosophically speaking and in practice, when we cease to contribute to society, we become like useless and lifeless burden, or we become outright like cancer in the mutually integrated living system that society is according to nature’s fundamental laws.
It does not matter what we think and what “human laws” we use in order to build our societies. We exist in nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system, where each element has its own predetermined and irreplaceabl role and function, without which function the life of the whole integral system suffers.
And since humanity is an integral part of nature, and nature’s strict, unchanging and unforgiving laws that sustain and govern the general balance and homeostasis life depends on are also obligatory for us, unless we know and follow these laws of nature, we are causing harm to human society, to nature and to ourselves.
At the moment, many people accept this philosophically, but in action we all blindly follow our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective and individualistic nature. And that means, that knowingly or unknowingly we care only for our own wellbeing while we survive and succeed at the expense of others and nature.
This is why we all need a unique, purposeful and highly practical educational method – that is based on nature’s fundamental life-creating and life-nurturing laws – so we could learn, understand and practice how to become healthy cells in humanity’s single, mutually responsible and mutually complementing living system instead of destroying it like cancer.