What happens when we build peace?

Zsolt Hermann
3 min readMar 21, 2022


Question from the Internet:

“What are the possible challenges you anticipate after bringing peace to two groups?”

We are at war — real wars or constant arguments, conflicts, disputes — we usually cannot resolve, because we are all uniquely different, and we all perceive reality through a 100% egocentric, subjective viewpoint.

We assess, define, measure ourselves by comparing ourselves to others and our proud, fierce individuality automatically drives us to compete, overcome, defeat, convince others to prove that we are better, higher, wiser, stronger, etc.

Thus by default, we cannot “make peace”, maximum we agree to disagree or subdue ourselves, waiting for the next opportunity or “revenge”, to prove our own right, or to restart the war.

This all comes from our inherent nature, from our operating software we cannot suppress or erase.

If we want to make peace — between two opposite parties or across the world — then we have to find a way to rise above the level where no true agreement, peace is possible. We need to find such mutually beneficial, attractive platforms, goals, purposes that can neutralize, offset everything that separates, rejects people from each other.

In couples for example — between two selfish, egoistic people — it works by holding onto some hormonal, physical attraction and then methodically, consistently building a common life with children, mutual interests, financial dependency to keep two opposite, instinctively argumentative people together against recurring fights, arguments, disagreements.

This traditional way of keeping two egoists together hardly works today as our ego overgrew everything. And the same is true for extended families, societies and the world. No financial, economic incentives, no threats, sanctions, embargos can force parties to agree to peace as long as we remain on the usual, instinctive level of consciousness, perception of reality, using the usual methods of “problem-solving”, “conflict-resolution”.

This is why we need a unique, purposeful and highly practical method that can help us understand and actually, tangibly feel what advantages we can find, what reward we can receive when despite everything that separates us we build positive, mutually responsible, mutually complementing cooperation, when we try to exist constantly above the instinctive, egoistic level of life.

If we manage to connect two warring parties, constantly arguing, fighting people in a sustainable manner above their diversity, differences, we can combine all the different, unique qualities, opinions and viewpoints without suppressing, erasing anything.

Then we acquire, build a unique, composite “pool” of qualities, a composite, collective consciousness, multi-angled, multi-layered perception of reality all participants can access.

This would give us a new, presently unimaginable access to the totally integrated, “complete” Natural system we live in, seeing, feeling, attaining all the cause and effect processes that influence our lives beyond the usual, egocentric, subjective limitations of time and space.

When we speak of “true peace” we need to imagine something way beyond simple peace treaties, ceasefires, simple physical, day to day survival. By building true peace above all our differences, rejections without ever suppressing, erasing anything, we elevate ourselves to a completely new, qualitatively much higher level of Human existence.

This is not some utopia, this is not philosophy or mysticism, this is a very real state of collective Human existence we can reach “here and now” and this is the actual evolutionary state Nature expects us to reach according to its laws and evolutionary direction.

So when we start making efforts in that direction Nature will “automatically” facilitate, assist our efforts since we start to work according to its ”plan”, we naturally harness all the forces, principles, laws we work against, we fight against while we remain in our egocentric, selfish, individualistic instincts.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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