What fuels capitalism?
Question from the Internet:
“Does the nature of capitalism fuel competition by getting what you put into it?”
It is the other way around. Our inherent competitive spirit, our insatiable desire for more our actual pleasure from succeeding, surviving at the expense of others that fuels capitalism, the social, economic system that suits our irrepressible ego the most.
Whenever we try to understand history, why human beings act, behave the way they do, we always have to locate and understand the root cause — which is our instinctive operating software: the insatiable, self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic ego.
This is extremely important since without knowing the root cause, without putting the cause and effect chain in the right order, we keep making the same mistakes, obsolete, futile, and harmful “solutions”, while the main problem festers on.
Moreover, we also know by now that our ego — the insatiable desire for more, the urge to compete, to compare ourselves to others — is impossible to suppress or erase, as it is our only engine for growth and development.
Thus a true solution for our problems, that is performed without coercion, without misleading propaganda, where people join in, participate willingly, consciously is possible only through a unique, purposeful, and practical education.