What does the World need right now?!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readApr 12, 2020

The world — more precisely Humanity — is in need of connection. Building positive, sustainable, mutually responsible and mutually complementing connections is all we need.

Although we have been talking about a “global village”, “globalization”, we have been building “Unions”, agreements, markets, a system above borders, beyond nationalities, the Coronavirus pandemic, and our disconnected, uncoordinated and thus inadequate reactions to it showed is in the sharpest manner, without any doubts: that we are locked into the same system, we depend on each other, we are totally responsible for one another and we do not act, behave accordingly sooner or later we will finish each other and ourselves off!

Thus instead of trying to revive an already dying socio-economic system — which is built on ruthless, exploitative competition, success, survival at the expense of others, the strong minority exploiting the weak majority — we need to focus on completely rebuilding our Human system, his time starting with the most important foundations: Human connections.

We have to rebuild, cure that basic building block of society, the family, then in small circles, we have to learn — through the appropriate upbringing and education — how to make calculations for the whole collective above the instinctive selfish, individualistic reflexes, calculations, mutual distrust.

Most importantly this time we will do so NOT according to misguided, oppressive ideologies, religious dogma, or dreamy mysticism. We will build such connections — above and despite our selfish egos — from conscious understanding, by studying nature’s system and its fundamental laws governing balance and homeostasis — without which life, survival is impossible — and adapting our societies to those laws willingly, from the full, tangible, emotional understanding that in a global, integral system the health, prosperity, survival of the individual is intricately intertwined with the health, prosperity, and survival of the whole collective.

It is very simple actually, we just need to overcome a deeply rooted psychological barrier to understand and actually feel that we either progress and survive together or we self-destruct together.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.