What does the world mean to you?
Question from the Internet:
“What is the meaning of the world to you as a young individual?”
I am not sure if I still qualify as a “young individual” — being 57 years old. Nevertheless, the world for me is a stage or a movie backdrop, that allows me to learn who I am, what desires and intentions drive me, what system we are born from, and how we need to change and develop ourselves to become the best possible actors, responsible participants in this world to make it the most optimal place or environment for everyone.
In short, the world gives us an opportunity to learn and implement why we were born and what purpose we were given, and how we can find and fulfill that purpose.
By default, we all use this world like a smorgasbord, trying to take everything and everybody for ourselves, to grab and consume whatever we can between involuntary birth and mostly involuntary death.
But that is not a “Human” life. A “truly Human” life is lived with purpose, towards a very sharp and precise, distinct goal, fully understanding who we are and what our role is in this existence until we learn and attain the root and purpose of everything.