What does evolution want from us?

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readDec 22, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“The living world is a unique and spectacular Marvel. Yet the way we humans live on earth is sending it into a decline. — David Attenborough. What are your thoughts on this statement?”

This superficial statement — observing humanity’s present state — is true, but it misses the cause and effect process which brought us here, and as a result, it also misses the actual, practical solution.

It is true that Nature is unique, spectacular, it is perfect and it does not make mistakes, or create something obsolete.

So if it is all true, how is it possible that an imperfect, self-serving, exploitative, and destructive human being was born from Nature?! Did evolution make a mistake with us, or perhaps there is a deeper plan, a purpose we are not aware of yet?

Indeed there is such a plan, purpose.

Humanity is predetermined to become Nature’s only conscious, fully integrated but at the same time independent, fully aware observers and willing, equal partners.

In order to bring us to this unique state Nature had to install us with an “unnatural”, selfish, egoistic, and individualistic nature, inner program, so we could develop “outside/independent of” Nature’s system, build one human civilization after another, each based on our arbitrary human ideologies, laws, systems that all go against Nature’s harmony and balance.

But a certain point we had to come to the recognition — through our special, conscious human intellect that is capable of critical self-assessment, initiating self-improvement, self-upgrade — in order to start a conscious, proactive process of adaptation to, integration into Nature’s system — above an against our inherent nature, program.

This unique turning point in human evolution started in our generation. As we have reached a threshold of no return, staring into the very real threat of self-destruction, human extinction, more and more people realize that the only solution to solve problems and to survive is to change ourselves and how we relate to each other and Nature.

Since it is “Nature’s interest”, since it is in evolution’s deterministic plan for Humans to go through this transformation, the moment we consciously decide to acquire a “Nature-like”, mutually integrated, selflessly cooperating ability, a new program above and against our original program, Nature will immediately assist us, helping us in upgrading ourselves.

Thus stating the obvious — that Nature is perfect and we are blindly, recklessly destroying it with our inherent nature — does not help. We also need to know the reason for this and how we can turn things around, fulfilling our unique, predetermined, evolutionary Human purpose in existence.

Only the appropriate, purposefully developed, empirical scientific method can help us in this process — as we also conclude based on historic and present-day experience that none of our political, social, economic means, no activism of any kind can change, solve anything unless we change ourselves first.




Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.