What do we need to achieve true peace?
Question from the Internet:
“How can we achieve world peace, and what are the biggest obstacles to achieving it?”
“Peace” in Hebrew is “Shalom”, originating from the expression and notion of “wholeness” or complementation.
”True peace” means a finely balanced and dynamic, mutually complementing integration between vastly diverse and seemingly incopatible elements, parts or, in our case, human individuals and nations.
This is something human beings have to learn and practice. As long as we all blindly follow our inherently egocentric, subjective, individualistic and nationalistic nature, there will be no peace. Instead, we will always find reasons and excuses to disagree, fight and to try to destroy each other. And from our inherently 100% egocentric and subjective viewpoint and perception, we will always be right and justify doing so.
This is why we need a unique, purposeful and practical “peace education” method, that can teach us how to make peace and mutually complement each other above and against our inherent nature. We have to practice and feel how such dynamic, “supernatural” – above instinctive nature – mutual coexistence and cooperation can give us all a qualitatively much higher level of existence and understanding of the world.
We have be practically and tangibly become like individual cells and organs of the same living organism. Such a unique Human “superorganism” will also develop its overall and systemic collective consciousness, through which we will start realistically and objectively researching and attaining reality as it is – without any egotistic, subjective or individualistic bias.
So peace has a lot of advantages even beyond it being the “lack of war” and conflict.
But we will have to learn and practice peace above and against our own nature.