What could I change in the world?
Question from the Internet:
“What would you do if you could make one change to the world?”
Then I would change myself (and actually, I am working on it).
First of all, the way I see and experience the world depends 100% on my inherently egocentric and subjective perception of reality. I see and experience everything the way by all-powerful and all-encompassing ego paints and projects it according to what this ego wants to achieve and what it is interested in.
By changing myself, by acquiring a truly selfless and thus objective perception of reality, I could start seeing the world “as it is” without the usual, limiting and distorting egocentric and subjective bias.
Moreover, by starting to act differently and approaching the world and others differently, instead of a “cancer cell” that wants to control, manipulate and consume everything for itself, I could become a positive, constructive, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing component of the system. And by that, I can also change the world positively.