What can we expect from the accelerating technological development?
Question from the Internet:
“Technology moves fast, so where will it have taken us by 2050? How will it affect the way we live? And how far are we willing to let it go?”
Technology, including AI, is simply a tool in our hands.
How it functions, and what we achieve with technology depends solely on how we use it, what goals we pursue with it and what intentions we employ while using it.
As long as we use and develop everything according to our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective and exploitative nature, everything becomes a weapon and a source of manipulation and control over others. And it accumulates unfair profit for those who are in control at the expense of others.
Unless we willingly and purposefully learn how to change our goals and intentions according to how Nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system operates, we will probably self-destruct or at least sink into unprecedented crisis and suffering by 2050.
Only when we all understand and accept that we are effectively single cells in a single, all-integrated and interdependent living system and we adjust ourselves and our behaviour accordingly can we expect positive results and true success from technological development.