What can unite Humanity?
Question from the Internet:
“What should be the goal of humanity, assuming we all come together as one?”
Interestingly, we can all come together as one only when we learn about and agree to implement our goal or purpose.
We are all extremely diverse and unique in and of ourselves. As human history proves, we can not come together for a sustainable time, whatever we try.
The only things that can unite us are terrible sufferings, wars, and natural catastrophes when for a short time, we cooperate and help each other survive. But as the Covid pandemic showed, for example, today, even the common danger cannot unite us. Instead, we continue “solving” our problems at each other’s expense.
We cannot find — either painful or positive — goals or purpose in our usual lives that could make us abandon our usual, inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and individualistic mindset and calculations. The more our inherent egos developed and intensified through history, the more fragmented and isolated we have become.
We can see the transition from the earlier, community-based existence to our present, hedonistic, and narcissistic Western existence. In developing countries like India, for example, we can see multiple generations living together under the same roof, poor communities supporting each other to survive. But the young people already covet and mimic the Western lifestyle, gradually and inevitably destroying the earlier fabric of society.
Whatever we claim and try to prove, we cannot deny or stop the instinctively egotistic and selfish development that works in all of us.
In this generation, where our all-consuming individualism and ruthlessly competitive spirit are destroying and consuming everything like cancer, we need a “higher” and all-encompassing goal or purpose that can glue us together.
Fortunately, we have such a “higher,” all-encompassing goal determined for us by Nature’s evolution. We are supposed to become the Natural system’s only conscious, fully integrated, and the same time independent observers and equal partners.
This is why on the one hand, we are born with a destructive and self-destructive ego, while, on the other hand, we have the ability and obligation to recognize the harm and destruction our instinctive nature causes and develop or acquire a unique “upgrade” to our ego that can harness and channel the ego’s irrepressible and insatiable power towards positive and constructive collective goals and purpose.
Then, in the contrast between our original and acquired nature and abilities, while we also integrate into nature’s finely balanced and mutually integrated system above and against our selfish hate and rejection of one another, we will find and fulfill our evolutionary role.