What brings prosperity?

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readSep 9, 2022


Question from the Internet:

“What are the things that bring prosperity?”

At the moment — driven by our inherently egocentric, subjective and individualistic nature — we are looking at prosperity as something individual. We accumulate profit and material possessions for ourselves, usually way beyond our actual necessities.

If we cooperate in this process, we do so only to maximize our individual profit and prosperity. If any cooperation is detrimental to individual profit and success, we immediately stop that “cooperation”.

We are born with such a self-serving and self-justifying nature that even when we say we “love” someone, we “love” because it brings us happiness, a good feeling and satisfaction. We cannot “love” another unless we benefit from it more than what we give.

So when we are talking about prosperity today, it is the prosperity of cancer, when we sacrifice and destroy everything for our own momentary, fleeting and selfish prosperity.

True prosperity is collective. It is the prosperity and healthy existence of living, integrated and interdependent Natural systems — like our own biological bodies — where all the cells and organs combine their abilities and forces only for the prosperity of the whole collective. As a result, we can have true, ever-growing and sustainable prosperity only when we rebuild human connections and the fabric of human society based on how our own biological bodies function, each human being becoming a healthy, mutually responsible and mutually complementing cell in the body of society.

This does not mean communistic homogeneity and the suppression of individual characteristics, identities and talents. It is the opposite.

In a Nature-like, fully integrated and mutually complementing human society, each and every individual finds one’s unique, irreplaceable and crucially important role and purpose for the wellbeing of the whole. At the same time, each will justly and proportionately receive whatever they need and deserve in order to continue their crucially important mutual contributions ceaselessly.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.