What are the basic conditions for sustainability?
Question from the Internet:
“How can sustainability commitments really be turned into action?”
At this stage, we do not even understand what “sustainability” truly means. We are making up arbitrary figures and plans, shooting in the dark, mostly trying to suggest “solutions” that serve our best, selfish interests.
As long as we continue observing and judging the world through our inherently egocentric, subjective, selfish worldview and calculations, we have no chance of understanding, let alone solving any of our problems.
Knowingly, unknowingly we all see the world according to how our egos distort our consciousness and perception and we all survive, succeed at the expense of others and Nature, ruthlessly competing, excessively accumulating everything for ourselves — each according to their conditions and abilities.
In order to know what to sustain, what our true, natural necessities and what the actually available resources are, we would need to become Nature’s insider observers, perceiving and understanding the Natural system from within through our similarity with it.
And in order to become similar to Nature, we need to rebuild and reorganize our human relationships, the fabric of human society according to Nature’s finely balanced integral template. If we learn and implement how Nature creates mutually complementing, mutually integrated living systems above and despite diversity, incompatibility between its parts and elements, and then apply what we learned to humanity, then we will start moving in the right direction.
As long as we stubbornly pursue our instinctive, subjective and egocentric agendas, we have no chance of solving anything. We will just continue blindly sinking into an ever-deeper crisis until intolerable suffering will force us to change.