We study, perceive everything through ourselves
Question from the Internet:
“What disciplines are studied through the lens of human nature?”
We study everything through the lens of Human nature!
Our perception of reality is completely egocentric, subjective. We don’t sense, taste, experience an absolute reality, the world we exist in is a world we project, build for ourselves through our own qualities, through how we relate to a reality we don’t know.
Everything we sense comes through our introverted, self-serving, self-justifying, self-protective filters. Thus our research of reality, our conclusions we draw are all individual, personal, subjective.
If we have the aspiration to get closer to perceiving reality as it is, we need to learn how to establish a truly objective, completely selfless observer point.
We can actually achieve this through a unique scientific method, that can teach us how to sense, experience the world through the desires, thoughts and viewpoints of other people.