We need to treat the root cause!
Question from the Internet:
“What are the 5 most important global problems of each category? Economic, social, cultural, political, etc. Be creative!”
I apologize in advance as probably you won’t find my answer very creative as it is very simple.
In each category there is a single problem, which root cause is behind everything we are facing today, which makes us sleepwalk towards seemingly inevitable self-destruction.
And this single root-cause is our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, egocentric, and individualistic nature that drives us towards ruthless, exclusive competition, success, survival at each other’s expense while we exploit everything and everyone we can till the last drop, ignorant of the consequences.
Moreover it is the same nature the prevents any true, positive, sustainable mutually responsible, mutually complementing connections between individuals and nations. And without such connections we can’t solve the mounting global problems — we ourselves caused.
Thus instead of looking at, and trying to solve the symptoms — as we have been doing so far — we need to recognize, accept and treat the root cause — through a unique, purposeful, and practical educational method.
Then all other things, society, economy, culture, and governance will fall into place as the corrected, upgraded Human beings will have no problem in building the ideal system.