We need to reach the right prayer!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readSep 27, 2024


An article in The Jerusalem Post:

My comment:

I fully agree that when we pray, we have to establish all the necessary conditions for our prayer.

A prayer is a desire, a need. A true prayer comes from the “bottom of the heart,” meaning that it is an irrepressible need that simply bursts out.

This need is the difference between the actual state we want to escape or improve upon and a desired or higher state we would like to reach but we can’t.

The sharper and more intolerable the gap between the undesired and intolerable actual state and the desires but impossible to reach higher state is, the stronger and more true the prayer becomes and the more likely it receives an answer.

Our sages suggest that the clearest and truest prayer is the “prayer of many.” This means a prayer that is collective and which is “for the many.”

Since the foundation for everything we do is our unity and mutual guarantee, since our survival and success depend on the unique Jewish unity and mutual guarantee, and since it is specifically this special unity and mutual guarantee that we can’t achieve by ourselves — against and above our inherently selfish, egotistic and individualistic nature, we need to collectively and whole-heartedly need to pray for “higher assistance” to rebuild our original “supernatural — above inherent nature — unity and mutual guarantee.

Everything else and all other prayers need to follow this one.



Zsolt Hermann
Zsolt Hermann

Written by Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.

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