We need to look at what we have to change!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
It isn’t a hostage ‘deal,’ it’s extortion of Israeli souls — opinion
My Comment:
What the article describes is 100% true. Still, it will not help us at all.
The one thing the article did not examine is our own responsibility in this whole torture and drama.
Only when we realize that it is still in our own hands to change “our fate” can we actually make changes.
The world will not change. Antisemitism — which has ancient and very deep roots based on the difference between the “Jewish life system” and any other life system or method in the world — will never disappear.
How we behave and how we fulfill our fundamental, irreplaceable, and obligatory role in the world can change everything.
First of all, since we keep infighting and undermining one another since we are not united, we are “sitting ducks” for attacks, dismission, and mockery from our enemies and all other nations.
Moreover, as long as we remain disunited and allow our instinctive “baseless hate” to stand between us, we can’t fulfill our role of showing a positive example of true unity and mutual guarantee above and against the inherently selfish, egotistic, and individualistic human nature.
Only when we start showcasing this “supernatural” — above inherent nature — unity, publicizing the only working template of humanity’s survival against the human ego, can we expect that others start relating to us differently, with respect, following our example in the lack of any other choice!