We need to “listen" to the coronavirus!
Question from the Internet:
“How do you think people will react when the third wave of Covid19 comes?”
Some countries — like Israel for example — are already facing the 4th wave of the virus. And they keep reacting — blindly, instinctively — the same way. They introduce some form of restriction until the numbers start to improve, and then again they start opening up, trying to return to “life as normal".
And now there is the added hope that the vaccines will wipe the virus threat completely, and we will surely return to life — “normal" as before the pandemic — within a short time!
Unfortunately the staggering number of infections, unprecedented (in our times) global mortality from a virus infection wasn’t enough to make people stop and think: is there maybe a message, lesson we could pay attention to, learn from?!
Was that life we all stubbornly try to return to so attractive, promising, satisfying?!
Weren’t we already in deepening socioeconomic crisis all over the world, weren’t we already threatening our own existence like cancer by destroying the planet, didn’t we already have growing global problems we couldn’t even discuss, let alone solve since we have no idea how to connect, cooperate above our inherently selfish, egotistic, individualistic, nationalistic and exploitative nature?!
It seems that even after being offered a chance to revaluate our lives and disconnect from the malicious, inhumane Matrix we live in, we want to remain plugged in, sacrificing ourselves at the altar of an aimless, brainless consumer lifestyle with its childish, dumbing “circus and bread entertainment".
The “problem" is that Nature’s system — based on strict, unchanging, unforgiving laws that sustain the balance and homeostasis life depends on — will not let us to return to the self-destructive, cancer-like lifestyle. Humanity had reached the threshold beyond which Nature can’t tolerate our excessively consuming, ruthlessly competitive activity.
We will be forced to change and adjust, upgrade our relationships to each other and to Nature according to Nature’s integral template whether we want it or not. We don’t have any free choice in this regards.
But we can choose if we make the obligatory adjustments, changes consciously, proactively, willingly, or by being forced through increasing, unsolvable crisis, intolerable suffering.
So it is wiser to learn and understand what Nature’s laws, system demands from us and start changing ourselves, making Humanity compatible with Nature’s otherwise fully integrated system by our own efforts ASAP!