We need to learn what “moral and ethical” means.
Question from the Internet:
Why do humans need to be taught what ethical is? Why don’t we just know?
My answer:
The problem is that we are all born with a 100% egocentric, individualistic and subjective nature and perception of reality.
We do not and cannot see or feel reality “as it is.”
We see and feel a personal version of reality that serves our 100% self-serving, self-justifying and exploitative interest. All our calculations are only about how much pleasure we can get for ourselves with the most minimal investment, while we do everything possible to distance ourselves from personal suffering.
Thus whatever we ever invent and develop, our political ideologies, economic systems, moral framework or ethics, they are all the product of the same, egocentric, subjective, self-serving and self-justifying nature and perception.
This is why the world developed the way it did – through endless conflicts and wars, through the “stronger oppressing and feasting on the weaker.”
This is why even our “democracy” is a mockery of what “democracy” should have been, not to mention other social systems which are even worse.
If we want a better world, if we want to reach a true and absolute “moral or ethical” framework that can serve as the basis of a sustainable, peaceful and relatively equal human society, we will need to learn and practice how to exist and behave above and against our inherent nature. This is something very difficult and unprecedented, so we need a unique and purposeful method which can facilitate such a fundamental self-change and revolutionary collective development.