We need to learn and practice “true unity!”
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
I truly believe, that by now, most Israelis agree that our present and future depends on our unity. (I am not so sure about the Diaspora).
Still, we are still intentionally or unintentionally ignoring or denying the fact that the unity we need is something “supernatural,” as we have to build “true and lasting unity” above and against our 100%, inherently egocentric, self-serving and self-justifying nature.
Even this article – about unity – identified parts of Israeli society that are for or against unity.Sometimes, even without noticing it, we already exclude others from our unity.
And this is true to the “left and the right,” “religious and non-religious,” since we are all born with the same, egocentric, subjective and individualistic nature that constantly criticizes and dismisses others.
Thus the “true unity” we need is something we have learn and practice again and again, since our inherent nature will alwas try to pull us back to our natural state of being: infighting and undermining each other, trying to succeed at the expense of others.
This is why we need the unique “Jewish method” our predecessors have received and implemented, which method also draws assistance from “non-human” forces that can help us exist and act despite our instinctive urges.