We need to find and correct the cause of our problems first!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readAug 10, 2020

Opinion from the Internet on the present crisis ailing is all:

“We are in this mess because of our maladaptive politically-motivated responses to the pandemic, and our lack of quality information from the same issue.”

I agree with you that this is what is happening on the ground. But it the effect, consequence and not the cause.

Yes we are politically, financially motivated, we cherish partisanship, ruthless, exclusive competition, succeeding at each other’s expense, we love to debate and humiliate others and all the “experts” are “proving their point” to the highest bidder - not to mention the media and entertainment industry that had become shamelessly lying, paid propaganda.

But why?!

The whole Human history is a chain of helplessly recurring vicious cycles, our generation seems “hell-bent” to repeat the tragic events of the 1930s, 1940s.

But why?!

Everybody knows that we evolved into a globally integrated and interdependent world. The pandemic affected all, in order to stop it spreading and to protect ourselves we also have to care not to spread it to others. Still we all reacted and still react selfishly, individually, nationally, only caring about ourselves. It is not even logical, it is self-defeating!


It is because we are programmed this way.

With our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, individualistic and exploitative program we simply can’t make any other calculations but to serve only ourselves at all costs, regardless of the consequences.

Until we recognize, moreover we accept this and we all agree to change ourselves first, it doesn’t matter what else we try!

We can keep changing Presidents, political parties, governments, jump from the left to right and back again. We can again try socialism, Communism, some will move towards nationalism even fascism, and of course there is the ultimate “solution”: war!

Nothing will help and we will just inch closer to self-destruction unless finally we recognize, accept and start treating the root cause: our own inherent nature.

We have the unique Human mind suitable for this, we have vast amount of historic experience, we have our own civilization-ending crisis with the threat of war, and we have the appropriate, purposeful and highly practical educational method. Only our willingness, agreement is missing!



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.