We need to build a better world — better as defined by Nature’s perfect system
Question from the Internet:
“If we are talking about a better world for everybody. I feel like what is better for everybody is very subjective. So what do you think are unified qualifications of a better world that everyone could agree on?”
Fortunately, the answer is very simple, but we tend to make everything very complicated through our inherently egocentric, subjective, and self-justifying consciousness, intellect.
Humanity is born from nature, exists in nature, and still evolves together with nature. We are one of nature’s species, integral parts of the whole system as an organ in a biological body.
A “better world for everybody” means a world, that is harmoniously integrated, adapted to nature, keeping all the strict, unrelenting natural laws that sustain the balance and homeostasis life depends on.
This human integration into nature first of all requires our positive, benevolent, mutual integration with each other.
The reason why humanity has to achieve this integration — which happened blindly, automatically, instinctively for every other part of the natural system — is our very unique, unparalleled evolutionary role in the system.
On the merit of integrating with each other and by that integrating with nature through purposeful, conscious efforts above and against our inherently selfish, egoistic, subjective nature we become nature’s only conscious, independent but at the same time integrated, inner observers, partners.
This is why human beings had to be born seemingly outside, against nature — from our own viewpoint — so on top of this, against this we could achieve the purposefully proactive, conscious integration, giving us the unique, conscious, unlimited, and objective insider view of nature’s perfect system in contrast to the original, limited, and distorted egoistic and subjective viewpoint.