We need to acquire Nature’s knowledge
Question from the Internet:
“Which is more vast, natural knowledge or acquired knowledge and why?”
I would say that the acquired, Natural knowledge is most vast.
True knowledge, Wisdom is what’s “inside” Nature’s perfect system. This vast knowledge is openly, automatically available for animals as they are instinctively integrated in Nature, on the other hand they are not aware of it, “they take it for granted”.
Humans by default are outside of Nature’s system for to our inherently egocentric, subjective consciousness, perception of reality which prevent us from studying, understanding what Nature’s system had to offer due to our incompatibility with the system.
But we can practically, purposefully, methodically acquire similarity, compatibility with Nature’s primary qualities of selfless, altruistic, unconditional service of others. By that we acquire compatibility with the system and the ability to become Nature’s fully aware, “insider observers”.
As a result we obtain a unique contrast between our original egocentric, subjective and the acquired altruistic, selfless, objective consciousness, perception. Then through the contrast, comparative research ability we can attain the most truthful, objective, “most vast” knowledge, Wisdom available in reality.