We need the right experience and emotional impressions before we can build the optimal human society
Question from the Internet:
“To what extent can personal liberty and fair equality of opportunity be made a reality in society?”
In order to move this question from the philosophical to the practical level, we would need to understand the world we live in.
More and more people talk about and actually feel that we evolved into a globally integrated and interdependent world. We all live through some very specific and defined social frameworks, from the family through workplaces and different teams to an interconnected global human society.
We do not feel it yet “on our skins”, but, in effect, we are all but individual cells of the single, living organism, and in everything we do or even think, we immediately and irrevocably influence the whole system.
This is something conventional science — not to mention millennia-old wisdom — has already hinted at, and now we all start to feel it in our own lives.
We can use the proper education in methodically and purposefully built environments to deepen and refine this sensation of being totally integrated and interdependent with each other. We can practice interconnections daily that will make us feel without any doubt that our individual lives are inevitably and irrevocably intertwined with the lives and survival of others.
With the help of the right method, we can also understand and accept that this mutual integration and interdependence comes from the strict and unforgiving laws of nature, and not according to some human philosophy or ideology.
And when we come to such strong emotional impressions and feelings — not to mention the solid knowledge and observation — that leave no questions about our mutual responsibility and collective existence, then we will not ask any more questions about how to treat our individual liberty or how to organize a fair society.
But without such strong and unquestionable knowledge and emotions, we will simply continue philosophizing and making up all kinds of ideologies and systems, and we will continue the recurring vicious cycles in human society until we completely consume everything and everybody.