We need a unique method to keep our unity and mutual guarantee!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
Israel actually has a constitution, which was set up millennia ago. It sounds relatively simple but is extremely difficult to establish and keep.
The original Nation of Israel was built based on “mutual guarantee,” which means that every Jew is 100% and unconditionally responsible for each and every other Jew.
This requires the principle of “loving a friend as we love ourselves,” or favoring a “supernatural” — above the inherently self-serving, self-justifying, and exploitative human nature — “ brotherly love above the incessant “unfounded hatred” towards each other.
This means that this “constitution requires us to exist and behave above and against our inherent nature.
Not surprisingly, our predecessors could not hold onto this constitution and were dispersed and expelled over 2000 years ago.
We cannot establish the above-mentioned mutual guarantee by our own forces, not even when we use our unique Jewish method unless we recruit and draw on ourselves a special “external force” — we can call the force of the Creator or the life-creating force of nature.
The “supernatural” Jewish unity can make us similar to this force, and through this similarity, we can draw and use this force to keep us existing and behaving above and independent of our inherent human ego that is the root of all our problems.
Only when this “external force” guarantees our unity can we channel and harness our diversity and differences of opinion to further strengthen and keep our mutual guarantee instead of breaking it.