We need a new education
Question from the Internet:
“What would happen to the education system in the United States if military style teaching practices were implemented?”
Nothing. Such educational practices were already applied in many places, in many different cultures through history, creating zombie-like, well-trained, uniform people until their inherent, unique individuality started erupting breaking the educational system and that society alike.
We can’t suppress, reprogram our unique, subjective egos. On the other hand when we let this ego to run amok without any guidance we get the schools, society we have today, with its “unlimited freedom”, loss of any structure, direction, pretending as if we educated our children but in truth destroying them.
We need a completely new educational system that can teach us how to become human beings in a globally integrated, interdependent world, where we would all need to mutually complement each other and always act in a mutually responsible way.
We have to do this in a way that the kids and adults buy into such education, when people willingly accept to change, improve, refine themselves, channeling, harnessing their insatiable, all-powerful egos for the sake of everybody else.
Most importantly this education needs to help people understand that we need to develop that way not according to some arbitrary ideology, philosophy or religion, but because this is what Nature’s strict, unforgiving, unchanging laws — that sustain the balance, homeostasis life depends on — demand from us, as without adapting to those laws we will simply self-destruct.