We haven’t embraced our “Jewishness” yet.
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
I wish we embraced our “Jewishness,” as the article states, but, based on the facts, we have not done so yet.
Our “Jewishness” following the “stories” and laws of the Torah is based on the most important principle of “Love your friend as yourself.”
We became a Nation where all present pledged to become a people of “One man with One heart” based on a unique “mutual guarantee,” where each jew committed to becoming 100% responsible for each and every other Jew without any selfish conditions or excuses.
Our “Jewishness” depends on covering the instinctive “unfounded hatred” — that is driven by the inherently egotistic, selfish, and individualistic human nature — with a methodically achieved “brotherly love.”
Finally, our “Jewishness” mandates that — through our shining positive example based on this “mutual guarantee” and “supernatural brotherly love” — we become “light unto others,” showing and teaching others how to survive the self-destructive human ego with the help of our “Jewish method.”
When we look at an Israeli society and Diaspora that is still infighting, where we still think we need to undermine and get rid of each other in order to “succeed” and get things to unfold as “we” want it, it is clear that we still haven’t understood what it means to “be Jewish” and what our success and survival depends on.
We have the necessary method; we have the negative pressure through external hate and existential danger; we just need a true desire to return to our roots.