We have to base our survival on true and solid foundations!
An article in The Jerusalem Post:
My comment:
Lapid follows the footsteps of the Hellenistic Jews we will remember in a few weeks. He idolizes and wants to follow the so-called “liberal democratic values” the West preaches and follows.
Lapid ignores that these “enlightened democratic liberals” colonized and exploited the world and still incite and perpetuate all the conflicts and wars.
Lapid forgets that despite all their enlightenment, the Greeks are gone, and the West — Europe and even the US — are falling at a scary speed and will become unrecognizable in this or in the next generation.
The West, with its “liberal and democratic” values, is the construct of the cancer-like, inherently selfish, egotistic, and individualistic human nature that has no right to exist in reality’s single, mutually integrated, and interdependent system.
In contrast, “original Judaism” — which is not a religious concept but a system of laws and principles based on reality’s most fundamental laws — is enduring and can give a solid foundation since “original Judaism” teaches us how to correct and further develop our inherently self-destructive nature in order to integrate with each other, integrate with the rest of reality and recognize and partner the single all-encompassing force the created and governs all.
Our only strength stems from our Jewish roots, from original Judaism, which we all have to relearn and reimplement after the long exile.