We have never been so close

In a paradoxical manner — by separating us physically — the Covid-19 virus showed us how close we all truly are.

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readMay 24, 2020

By forcing us to rediscover Human connections mostly through virtual means, by facing a common, non-Human enemy, by sensing ourselves pushed in the same corner, for the first time in our history we felt like a single, global, Human entity.

And this was augmented as a stark contrast by how woefully inadequate, self-defeating all the isolated, individualistic, nationalistic, uncoordinated responses were.

On one hand we received the tangible, very sharp, realistic sensation of our global interconnections, interdependence, the need for mutual, global responsibility. On the other hand we also learned that with our instinctively egocentric, individualistic, distrusting, and subjective nature we are not compatible with our global, integral evolutionary conditions.

This is a very significant, important breakthrough since for the first time in our development we received a blueprint, a plan on how to evolve, grow from here!

Now we know that our problem-solving ability, collective survival depends on building the crucially important, mutually responsible, and mutually complementing global connections, cooperation.

And although we will need to do that above and against our inherent nature, above all the differences, against all the distrust, historic animosity, we have the unique, purposeful and practical educational method that can help us achieve the seemingly “mission impossible”.

We have received the keys, means to the last, this time conscious, proactive phase of Human development, we can control our fate from now on.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.