We have an omnipotent force directing us: Nature
Question from the Internet:
“Would the world be a better place if a god entity addressed all of humanity telepathically each once a week, month, or year?”
If we had an omnipotent, “God-like” entity addressing us regularly, declaring its laws, positive, purposeful plan where we each have our own predetermined part to play openly, we would live in a perfect world.
We would all know exactly what to do, what not to do, Human beings would become like angels, each perfectly executing their “cogwheel role” as the rules of reward and punishment were absolutely clear. And since those rules would be declared and governed by an absolute judge that cannot be deceived, bribed, surpassed, nobody would be foolish enough to try to break the laws of the system.
And we actually have such an omnipotent, “God-like” entity sustaining, governing reality. It is Nature’s deterministic, lawful system with its intelligent, purposeful evolutionary plan.
But we do not accept the laws, principles, and the plan as absolute, something that obliges us to act within its framework.
Human beings are born with a unique, “devilish”, self-serving and self-justifying ego, that constantly whispers into our ears that we do not have to keep, respect Nature’s laws. It makes us believe that we can build our own laws, systems, that we can control Nature and become greater, higher than it.
What we do not know yet, that this “devilish”, destructive ego in us is also purposeful by Nature’s all-encompassing evolutionary plan. We were created like this by Nature intentionally. Only against, above the ego can we find and fulfill our unique, evolutionary Human role in the system.
Only by consciously, purposefully, and methodically developing integration, compatibility with Nature, only by willingly accepting Nature’s rulership over us in contrast to our own rulership over Nature can we become truly Human.
Then based on the contrast — being against and together with Nature being incompatible and compatible at the same time — can we verify, justify Nature’s omnipotent governance and become its conscious observers and partners.