We have come a long way, and now we can rise even higher!

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readJul 6, 2020


We have come very far as Human civilization, and now we have reached the most important turning point in Human history.

Until now — through millennia of blind, instinctive, egotistic development — we have tried all possible variations of each and every governing, social and economic ideology, system, and their combinations.

And as the helplessly recurring, vicious cycles of history and our present, glaring failure in our own civilization can finally prove, that by using our inherently egotistic, individualistic, exploitative nature, program we can’t build a Human society that is safe, equal, peaceful and sustainable.

As a result, now we have a free choice — the first truly free choice in history — to change our manner of development from instinctively egocentric, individualistic to a conscious, collective, mutually responsible and mutually complementing path.

We can do so quickly with the help of a special, purposeful and practical educational method which can explain to us how Nature’s evolution is demanding this transition, as through it we can consciously reach our special, evolutionary Human role, purpose in the system, that is predetermined by this plan.

And if we take this on consciously, proactively then Nature does not have to pressure us towards the same direction against our will through suffering, worsening crisis situations.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.