We don’t need knowledge, we need Wisdom
Question from the Internet:
“What is knowledge? Why is it important, and what are its uses?”
Knowledge is something we “upload” onto our “hard-drive” so we could use it according to our inherently subjective, self-serving “pleasure/pain” calculations.
Thus knowledge and it’s use is egocentric, subjective. It can help an individual to get by, but when we want to comprehend, solve collective, especially global problems, knowledge doesn’t help us.
It is the opposite.
Since each individual, main uses their knowledge for their own benefit, survival, progress - most of the time at the expense of others - knowledge becomes destructive, self-defeating.
If we needed any proof of this we got it, we are getting it plentiful each day through the pandemic, and in relation to other pressing, threatening global problems, issues.
What we need is “wisdom”, and not our own wisdom, but Nature’s infinite wisdom.
Nature contains all the templates, blueprints, laws we would ever need. But in order to access Nature’s infinite, perfect database we need to access it, we would need to enter Nature’s system - instead of hopelessly scratching its surface - by reaching similarity with its qualities.
Nature is a fully integrated, interdependent system - like our own biological body - where all elements interconnect, cooperate through mutual responsibility, mutually complementing cooperation, based on selfless, altruistic relation to each other and the system.
Only a Human network - starting as small as 5–10 people to a network comprising of the whole of Humanity - that is built on Nature’s template can access the system and “download”, use its wisdom.
We have the right, purposeful and highly practical method for building such “Nature-like” Human networks, only our desire and willingness to adapt ourselves to Nature is missing.