We connect to Nature through acquiring similarity with it
Question from the Internet:
“How do you connect to nature?”
Through becoming similar with it.
Connection, understanding, perception are all based on the similarity between those connecting, between observer and observed, researcher and researched.
So in order to connect to, understand Nature we would need to acquire Nature’s fundamental, “life-giving” qualities of selfless altruism, unconditional service and love.
And since we can’t achieve such qualities directly towards Nature, we need to, can practice and sense those qualities in purposefully, methodically build, maintained, strengthened Human interconnections with the help of an appropriate method.
Then when we managed to integrate with each other through the “Natural qualities” of selfless altruism, unconditional service and love of others, we will start to connect to and sense the Natural system through the acquired similarity.
And since we have to develop, attain those qualities consciously, actively above and against our inherently egocentric, individualistic, subjective nature, even when we achieve seamless integration with one another and by that with Nature, we still retain an independent, objective viewpoint of Nature’s perfection.