We can’t convince each other about anything!
Question from the Internet:
“How can one help people whose minds are plagued by conspiracy theories? Science refusal theories, not political machinations. For example, believing Covid-19 is a hoax, it doesn’t exist, it’s just a plot for governments to achieve something.”
You can’t help them at all. Especially not with convincing. We are all locked into our own egocentric, subjective cocoons, where we create a personal world that is true from our own point of view.
And nobody can convince another about anything else, there is a saying, “You won an argument, you just made an enemy”. Nobody would peacefully accept the opinion of another instead of one’s own.
For example, how do you know that those conspiracy theories are not true?! How can you prove?! Who do you prove it to?! Just because something feels, looks self-understanding to you, it is only so in your own egocentric, subjective cocoon and others might not see, feel what you see feel!
The only way we could come to common understanding, a common “vision” of reality would be by all of us exiting our inherent cocoons, acquiring a selfless, transparent, objective viewpoint.
And this is possible through a special method which can teach us how to perceive reality through the desires, thoughts, viewpoints of other people in unique, fully committed, “laboratory-like” small environments. And then after learning the “template” such people could extend their observation, independent, objective research to increasingly wider circles.
Only in a mutual, “in-between”, neutral zone — where we are all free of egocentric, self-justifying, subjective calculations — can we start agreeing, comparing experiencing, discussing, deciding things together.