We can’t become hunter-gatherers again, but we can still integrate into Nature purposefully

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readNov 1, 2021


Question from the Internet:

“Are there good aspects of hunter-gatherer times that we could take advantage of considering our current accumulated knowledge and advanced technology?”

Human history is basically the chronicle of the constantly, exponentially growing human ego. This ego — which is behind everything we think, decide and do — is the only difference between humans and other animals.

This ego is behind our development and the only reason we are not the same as the chimpanzees, orangutans that remained virtually unchanged for millions of years while we went through our breakneck development.

At the hunter-gatherer times, this human ego was still very faint, weak, thus we were still very close to Nature, living almost within the general balance and homeostasis with Nature’s system like other animals. Then as the ego started growing, intensifying we gradually disconnected from Nature and started behaving like cancer in it until we reached our present, totally destructive, and self-destructive state.

Our problem-solving ability, survival depends on finding balance with Nature once again, we need to find a way to integrate into Nature, following its strict, unchanging laws that sustain and nurture life through the constant, fragile mutual integration of the elements of the system.

But we will not become like the original hunter-gatherers. We can’t suppress or erase our insatiable, powerful egos. We have to learn how to integrate into Nature through integrating with each other above and against the ego, harnessing, channeling the ego’s infinite power towards positive, constructive, collective goals and purpose — while aligning all our activities with Nature’s system.

We can use our accumulated knowledge and our advanced technology for this. Everything depends only on our intentions, for what reason, towards what purpose we use what we have.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.