We can unite humanity above all differences through our intentions!
Question from the Internet:
“How do focused thoughts link all humanity together?”
If you mean our “intentions” driving all our actions as “focused thought”, then indeed, through these intentions, we can link all humanity together — provided we all have the same intention.
By default, we are all extremely unique and different. Moreover, we all have a 100% egocentric and subjective consciousness and perception of reality. We all sense ourselves as disconnected, standalone, independent beings who have to make decisions for themselves and safeguard their own individual survival at the expense of others.
We are all born with such an “internal software”, which is why we behave as we do, since this sense of unique individuality and need to secure our necessities at the expense of everybody and everything else only grew and intensified through history.
And as we also learned through history, we cannot suppress or erase our unique individual, national and cultural identities, so the diversity and differences of viewpoints — and with it, the instinctive mutual distrust and rejection of one another — will always remain.
At the same time, we also started to realize that we are a single entity from Nature’s point of view. As a result of the constant pressure from Nature’s laws, its integral form and evolution’s drive towards ever-increasing mutual integration, we also evolved into a globally integrated and interdependent system.
So how can we achieve the crucially necessary mutually integration and cooperation Nature and our continuing collective survival demands from us? We can’t change our inherent nature; we can’t change our instincts; we can’t make people become similar to each other. So what can we do?!
We can unite and find mutual integration through our “intentions”, through the purpose and goals we set out for ourselves.
As it is becoming very clear from our desperate helplessness in comprehending or solving the growing global problems that threaten our survival, the first such common intention is our basic, physical survival. We simply won’t understand, let alone solve the global problems, unless we create a unique “collective consciousness”, a composite perception of reality that matches Nature’s fully integrated and interdependent system.
We achieve this by becoming similar to Nature through mutually integrating with each other.
But we have an even higher and more important common purpose, the intention that can unite and elevate us higher than simple physical survival.
By building a united, mutually responsible and mutually complementing humanity — above and against our remaining egocentric and subjective instinctive separation and distrust — we can become Nature’s only fully conscious, integrated and at the same time independent observers and equal partners.
This will bring us a total insight into how Nature works and operates; we will sense and see all the cause and effect processes that determine life and development in Nature and in our lives. And through the unique collective consciousness and composite reception of reality — when we all attain reality through the desires and viewpoints of all the other people — we rise above the original, inherently subjective and egocentric limitations of time, space and physical motion.