We can learn to become the “cleverest animals” on Earth
Question from the Internet:
“Why among animals are human beings so stupid to see Africa’s problem even have no bread to eat and other European nations full of goods and money?”
Because in our mind we are born outside of Nature’s integral, balanced system, feeling ourselves as individual, isolated, standalone creatures that have to fend for themselves against the whole world.
Contrary to other animals Humans are not consciously part of Nature’s “circle of life”, we don’t feel Nature’s mutual guarantee, how balance and homeostasis is constantly upheld.
Without that instinctive sense Humans feel obliged to accumulate resources way beyond natural necessities - and we don’t know what such necessities, what available resources are being “outsiders” to Nature.
So we live a life, ruthlessly, exclusively competing against one another, succeeding, surviving at each other’s expense. In such a way the stronger, more egotistic humans enslave, exploit the weaker, like egotistic ones.
So you are right, inherently we are “more stupid” than other animals. On the other hand this is not our fault, it was purposefully arranged like this by evolution, to give us the ability, opportunity to rise above all other levels in Nature to become the “crown of evolution”.
This will happen by recognizing that our “outsider” status, incompatibility with Nature is harmful, self-destructive to such an extent, that we will initiate our unique Human ability of critical self-assessment, self-change. This started in our unique generation.
Then with the help of the right, purposeful and practical educational method we will be able to research a conscious, methodical integration with Nature. Then we will attain an objective, total, inner knowledge, understanding of the system, about its laws, cause and effect processes, about natural necessities and available resources.
Then we will be able to rebuild Humanity, all our systems in a completely new, this time Natural foundations - in a fair, peaceful, and qualitatively much higher, collective manner.