We can disconnect from the consumerist Matrix if we want!
Question from the Internet:
“Does the consumer society aim to standardize and flatten the society and the culture in which it operates by democratizing luxury?”
The consumer society is concerned about one thing only: making ever increasing profit for a small minority, while providing just enough and a complementing “circus and bread” entertainment for the masses, so they remain blind and malleable for the constant manipulations.
Everything else is changeable, dynamic, as culture, politics, celebrity culture, conflicts, wars, social media are all simply tools to facilitate control, manipulation over the masses to maximize wealth and power for the few.
We live in a Matrix, and if one wants to know how much, we can watch “honest documentaries” like “Social Dilemma” about how we are manipulated 24/7, how much we are the product in this more and more sophisticated “Matrix”.
We can of course choose to disconnect - while the pandemic does its own part in bringing down this all-encompassing machinery.
From our own part the only way to disconnect is by building closed, mutually supportive, mutually complementing environments that can protect, embrace its members through very different values, goals, aspirations, by different upbringing and education.