We can all become one, while also remaining uniquely different from each other
Question from the Internet:
“What if all people became the same?”
If we all became the same, it would be a disaster. Fortunately, we cannot be the same and evolution will not allow to experiement with such ideas – even if some popular ideology tries very hard to achieve this.
If we all became the same, we would lose our uniquely human ability to develop an unprecedented and qualitatively much higher, collective Human consciousness and composite perception of reality, which could elevate us above our inherently subjective and egocentric limitations of time, space and even physical life or death.
If we all became the same, losing all our unique and individual and national identities, qualities and viewpoints, we would never be able to integrate and compose the multi-colored and multi-angle composite perception of reality and “quantum perception” we are capable of achieving.
It is specificially through the different viewpoints, thoughts and desires of each individual that we can access a totally selfless and objective perception of reality and unlimited collective consciousness when we learn and practice how to view and experience reality through the desires, thoughts and viewpoints of other people.
Thus we have to cherish our unique individuality and all the special qualities in each and every person that are incomparable to one another. But instead of staying locked into our own egocentric and subjective individuality and our own qualities, and viewpoint, we need to gradually “dissolve into” the thoughts, desires and viewpoints of others to the point of “losing ourselves” there, detaching ourselves from our inherently limited and distorted, 100% self-serving, self-justifying and subjectibe consciousness and perception.
Thus we can all become one, while also all remaining completely different.
Then we can enter a totally new, qualitatively much higher, infinite and eternal sense of existence through each other.