We can achieve world peace, security, and a perfect life we can’t even imagine yet…

Zsolt Hermann
2 min readOct 28, 2021

Question from the Internet:

“Can we achieve world peace and security?”

Yes, we can achieve world peace and security. But in order to do so, first of all, we would need to recognize and accept why we do not have world peace and security right now, and why we have failed in reaching world peace and security all through human history.

We could not and cannot achieve world peace and security — or even peace and security in our personal, local, national relationships, systems — because we are all driven by an inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective, individualistic, and exploitative ego.

And it does not matter if we are aware of this already or not yet, it does not matter if we still honestly believe that “there is something inherently good in us”

We have ample historic and present-day experience, both on the general scale and also in our individual lives, to show us that each and every thought, decision, all the actions we ever do are based on 100% subjective, egocentric calculations — knowingly, unknowingly at the expense of others.

This has become ever sharper as the human ego grew, intensified through history, and it became outright destructive in our generation when we also evolved into a globally integrated, fully interdependent system.

We will have world peace and security — and we will rise to a previously unimaginable, qualitatively much higher, collective existence — when we methodically, willingly learn how to start thinking, acting above and against our instinctive nature, making all our calculations solely for the benefit, wellbeing of others, for the whole human collective and Nature’s fully integrated system we are all part of.

Then, beyond achieving peace and security and safeguarding our collective human survival, we also acquire a sense of collective existence — above all the subjective, egocentric limitations of time, space, and physical motion — previously we could not even dream of.

Thus the “stakes” are much higher than simply surviving through peace and security. We can actually reach and fulfill our unparalleled, very high role, and purpose in Nature’s system and evolution.

By consciously rising above our inherent nature and all the boundaries coming from it, by becoming integrated into Nature through integrating with each other, we will assume our role as Nature’s only conscious, insider but independent observers and partners.



Zsolt Hermann

I am a Hungarian-born Orthopedic surgeon presently living in New Zealand, with a profound interest in how mutually integrated living systems work.