We are on the brink of a new, positive human development
Question from the Internet:
“Amidst this COVID 19 pandemic, do you still have faith in humanity? Elaborate your answer in 5-6 sentences.”
Yes, I still have faith in humanity, as the pandemic is specifically putting us into a sharp situation, ffrom which we can only develop in a positive direction.
The pandemic — together with other threatening, worsening global problems — shows us very sharply the explosive paradox we find ourselves in.
On one hand we evolved into a totally integrated, interdependent world, on the other hand we still behave as always: completely selfishly, subjectively, only caring about ourselves.
We behave like cancer in Nature’s fully integral body, where strict laws govern the balance and homeostasis life depends on.
With our unique human intellect — capable of critical self assessment, initiating self-change — we can start to digest this paradox and then consciously, methodically adapt ourselves to Nature’s laws of integration, in order to safeguard our collective human survival.
And while this looks like a “mission impossible" from our present state, it is enough if a unique, sensitive critical mass (that is already developing, preparing) understands the task first of all, as they can then pull the rest after them as the global human system continues to collapse, suffer.